Saturday, October 4, 2008


It was beautiful this morning, so after dragging myself out of bed and through the shower, I decided to take a walk down to the lakeshore. It turned out to be a bit chilly sitting around by the water, but it was definitely worth it. At a leisurely pace it takes me round about a half hour to walk down. Wish I could have been on one of those sailboats!

After returning from the lake, I decided that it was project time - I've been itching to dye my hair or rearrange furniture or redecorate. Dyeing the hair is out for now because it really is a nice color right now and I really should stop going random colors because of a seeming need for change. Number two was out because, well, there really isn't any other possible way to arrange the furniture in my apartment because of the placement of doors and windows. So number three it was. This is what I accomplished -

1. All my knitting/crochet in a nice new green bin. Also moved a huge pile of books off the table I'm sitting at to my bookshelf which I opened up a shelf of by putting a bunch of old college stuff into another bin.

2. Scrumptious dinner - Chili Chicken Tacos with a few modifications i.e. keeping most of the spicy out of the recipe. The chicken was cooked in my dutch oven for two hours and it shredded apart superbly! Yum. The Heineken is for another recipe that I'll probably make tomorrow but it only calls for one bottle, so I guess I'll just have to drink the other five - oh darn!

3. Stripped a wall in the main room to ready it for new wall decorations - looks kinda lonely right now... This was accomplished while listening/watching to Fellowship. Wizards and Hobbits and Dwarves, oh my!

4. Also put together this little beauty - collage o' my Europe trip. Yay!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Sometimes it's scary how in sync we are. Guess what I spent a chunk of my weekend doing? Cleaning out and rearranging. Sadly, I got to my big walk-in closet (which really does need help) and caved. There's always next weekend, right?