Thursday, July 12, 2007

Snow Crash

So...last Friday, about halfway through the day, I began to get chills and thought I might be coming down with something. Turns out I was right and had a fever by the time I made my way home from the office at 5. Needless to say, the weekend was left largely to eating saltines and lounging around wishing it were cooler outside. I finally made an emergency emergence on Saturday for some grocery shopping to replenish my empty refridgerator. By the time Sunday rolled around, I was bored of the telly and GASP! out of things that I wanted to read! So, feeling better, I made my way to Barnes & Noble. A mistake for people trying to save some cash. But, I thought perhaps I'd browse and pick out on or two.

I left with five books. I couldn't help myself. Wandering through the ailes I came face to face with Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. It's a book I've been looking for idly for about four years. Obviously I had to get that one. It's going well, although so far I prefer The Diamond Age, which I read earlier this year. I also emerged with Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky, The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon by Daniel C. Dennett (these three were a buy two get one free deal!) and Hunters of Dune by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. This last will necessitate a complete rereading of the Dune series because I can barely remember what happened in the last few books of the series. A daunting task, considering there are six of them, but I shall prevail!

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