Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stardust and Envelopes

This was a rather uneventful and workful weekend. I spent most of it with butt firmly planted in chair stuffing about 1200 invitations to Darwin Days happening from Feb 11-17. For those of you not in the know, Darwin Days is the Museum of the Earth's weeklong celebration of Charles Darwin's birthday (Feb 12) and the theory of evolution. We're having a host of events up at Cornell and at the Museum, including a birthday party reception on the evening of Feb. 16. Hence, the invitations. I think it took me about 12, 13? hours to do them all...anyway, it was most of the useful hours of the weekend.

One upshot of doing them at home was that I got to do it in front of the tv and with music instead of staring at our cubicle wall at work. In that time stuffing envelopes, I watched the movie Stardust which was based on Neil Gaiman's novel of the same name. It was truly delightful. I highly recommend it to everyone. Fun, but not silly. Romantic, but not corny. It's just a fun little adventure that doesn't take itself too seriously. I think I might even watch it again before sending it back to netflix.

1 comment:

Sarah Berry said...

Good job envelope-stuffer!!

I'm gonna be exhausted tomorrow b/c I'm still awake watching a comedy special!