Thursday, March 20, 2008


Jello - I am posting because I have not posted in some time and I know that all one of you who read this will very excited for news...even though I see you every day. So, here goes.



Haha! I guess I don't have all that much to say. Life has been pretty satisfactory lately, including a new old friend who is turning out to be a blast to hang with. I'm thinking I'll be pretty sad when he leaves in August to move abroad, I'll just have to console myself with good weather because we should have some by then...right? I can't wait for warm weather. I totally LOVE prowling around town and that is so much more fun when its not freezing and snowing and raining and being icily windy. However, summer is also going to mark some sad occasions, the aforementioned leaving of T, but also the leaving of my dear SA and AK at work. Ithaca really is a transient place. We'll see how much longer I am here, probably at least another year.

In other news, I finished reading the first five books of the Amber series by Zelazny. This was lent to me by someone from okcupid that I had coffee with and have never heard from again...I guess I'll have to try emailing him through the site so I can get the book back to him...or if I were mean I'd just add it to my collection. I don't really like it enough to be that catty though. Anyway, the series is pretty good once you get past the first book.

I'm now reading "The Invention of Clouds" which is about Luke Howard who came up with cloud classification (cirrus, stratus etc.) and also the time period. It's really interesting despite how dorky it sounds. Learning alot about the time period and how science was kind of a free for all citizen thing back at the start of the 1800s. People went to lectures for fun!

Well, I'm going to go home now, so ciao!

1 comment:

Sarah Berry said...

Oh my gosh, a book about clouds and science!! I'll have to tell B right away - that is right up his "I make cloud machines for a living" alley!

By the way - it's ridiculous how many books you have the ability to get through :)