Sunday, March 30, 2008


I finished my book! Woohoo! Finally.

I feel like I was reading that cloud book for ages. It was pretty good, but I'm ready for something different. Not sure what is up next, but I'll let you know soon enough. It could be anything from greek tragedy to oceanography to civil war...thats what is in the pile of library books etc. that I'm working through.

Today was a lovely day. It is beginning to maybe kinda get like spring. Very sunny this weekend and not too cold today. I gymmed it, napped with a cat on my belly, and went for a walk...and I even did some dishes!

Now I am enjoying a beer and its worth each and every one of the three points its costing me - I'm doing weight watchers (although not officially because I can't afford that - my mom gave me the literature and a calculator because she is doing it with friends from work). It may be too early to tell, but the scale is down 2.5 pounds from tuesday... :-) Here's hoping its not just normal fluctuation!


Sarah Berry said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's working already! Congratulations!!

Billy said...

if you drink light beer its only 2-points...Yeah for you! Weight Watchers works. Trust me!