Monday, June 30, 2008

the Ander-Berry Wedding

So, last weekend (June 21) a group of us PRI peeps caravaned off to Canandaigua, NY to celebrate the mariage of Scarlet Lily and her beau. I was feeling a little anxious because of work and all on my way out, but the simply gorgeous surroundings soon put me at ease and let me relax. The setting really was lovely.

The view from our condo - just lake forever, we were right on the water. I wanted to stay for the rest of the summer, but they made us checkout on sunday! I arrived Friday afternoon, having left work early and spent some time chilling with Ben watching Lost Boys before the rest of the crew showed up. We had a lovely "welcome" party at the hotel later in the evening with the engaged couple.

Then Saturday, after a somewhat late rise, we headed out to Canadaigua center to tour some fancy gardens. It was a lovely day until just about an hour and a half before the wedding when we all watched a great big thunder storm work its way down the lake. Luckily it was short lived and the wedding was saved! Everyone looked lovely including the bride:

They were both so smiley - a great couple! I'm so glad I got to go and share the day with them. Here is a view from the wedding location - I think I might steal it when I get married!

Good food, good drinks, great dancing! Here is Alicia and my first pic with Mrs. Berry!

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