Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Ms. Doublegknits posted this and told us readers to consider ourselves tagged - so here are my answers.

1) What was I doing 10 years ago?

Lets see - 10 years ago was 1998 so I was in the summer between high school and middle school. I recall nothing specific about this summer. Ooo...wait, later in the summer would be my first experience with marching band - the show was a couple of Chuck Mangione songs - I can still hum the theme of one of them. :-)

2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today?

Well, the day is almost over so for the rest of the evening my to do list will be

1. go home
2. make dinner
3. hang out with T
4. surf the internet
5. go to bed

3) Snacks I enjoy

Oh man, snacks are awesome - chips and salsa, ice cream, cookies, saltines, cheese, hummus

4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

1. not work a regular job
2. buy a house - preferably on some kind of waterfront
3. support museums
4. travel everywhere
5. Take all kinds of music/art/design/whatever seems interesting at the moment classes

5) Places I have lived:

South Windsor, CT
Ithaca, NY

I have not moved much.

6) Jobs I have had:

Sandwich Maker - Blimpies
Sales Associate - Linens and Things
Sales Associate - Sears
File Runner - Curtis 1000
Dining Hall Wench - Ithaca College
Technology & Writing Consultant - IC
Research Dept intern - National Geographic
Development intern - PRI
Development Operations Manager & Membership Coordinator - PRI

Consider yourself tagged.

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