Monday, July 16, 2007


This weekend the parental units came for a visit, its been a few months since they were up to Ithaca, so they finally got to see Maverick on his own turf. He was his usually charming self, so I think the parents fell in love more than ever, but I made sure they didn't try to take the little guy home with them. Anyway, the weekend was a full one. We made a stop by the farmer's market where I got these:

This bouquet of loveliness (enough for two vases) cost $10. That's it! I love the farmer's market. Here are some more shots of some of the lilies in the bouquets.

After the farmer's market, my dad and I took a turn around the lake in my parent's new kayak. It's always enjoyable to be out on the water, however, I think I prefer to have my own boat than to go in tandem. I like to be able to have more control over where I am going than I do when there is someone else in the back of the boat. We paddled out past the Cornell sailboat docks and discovered that all of their little racing craft are named after the callsigns in Top Gun. There was a Maverick boat and a Goose boat and Viper and Jester and Iceman.

In the evening, we went to see Hair at the Hanger theatre. I thouroughly enjoyed the show and recommend seeing it to everyone. IY was great and the three main leads were fantastic. The theatre was turned into a theatre in the round for the performance which was quite unique.

We spent Sunday wandering around town and discovered this house : Now, if only I had $350,000.

1 comment:

Sarah Berry said...

Those flowers are gorgeous! It makes me sad that I'm never here on the weekends to actually go to the Farmer's Market.

Also secretly laughing that you want your own boat so you can be in control... not like you at all ;) ;) Hehehe...