Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Old Goddesses

Good evening loves,

I have just finished watching season three of battlestar galactica which means after a whirlwind of watching, I'm all caught up and am now ready (a week late) to watch season four. If you think that I'm nerdy for watching BSG, let me remind you that this show is terrific (and its more fun to be nerdy than not!) Anywho, I look forward to finding out what the writers have up their sleeves for the final explanation. They had better have one, and one not as convoluted and huh?ish as Alias ended up before I stopped watching.

In other news, I've been doing a smidge of research on Inanna, a Sumerian goddess who has been popping up in a number of books that I've read over the last year. She most recently made a brief appearance as an alternate name for Isis/Akasha in Pandora. The other two mentions (where the Inanna story was much more fleshed out and intertwined with the tale) were in Stephenson's Snow Crash and in Duncan's Ink and Vellum. From initial reading, it seems like the latter two are using her legends more faithfully than the first. For y'all who have no idea who Inanna was (and I don't know a whole lot yet either), she was a Sumerian goddess of fertility, war, wisdom etc, but I guess not a mother type goddess. It is this that she is being likened to in Pandora. I'm interested to learn more about her and see where else she emerges in modern lit. I know that a lot of people don't like scifi or think that its a genre like trashy romance to be sneered at, but I find many of the stories incredibly rich with references to old gods and legends, explorations of political structure, and examination of culture. Yes, a good portion of it is trash or just fun storylines, but you have your 1984s and Brave New Worlds that have become a part of the popular imagination. Besides, a number of the stories have sent me enquiring in different directions, so I say, scifi is good for the brain.

Anyway, I've found a new project for a bit in Inanna, I'll let you know if anything interesting emerges. Oh, and I found a book about Sumerian lit that I'd like to get....anyone want to fork over $40? Stupid textbook prices! Oh, and this is totally off topic but I continue to be mad at myself that I sold back my art history book. What was I thinking? I thought I kept it but I can't find it anywhere here or back at my parent's so it must have gone back to the store. Stupid!!

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