Anyway, this evening I went up to the ol' stomping ground of IC, even back to familiar old William 314 where I had about a billion writing classes. I was supposed to be on a panel workshop of people who had taken the grants class and had applied it in internships and jobs. No one showed up to listen, so instead I got to spend an hour catching up with two of my professors and talking with the other two kids (seniors) who were on the panel. I like talking about my job in this kind of atmosphere because I have to focus on the good parts and it reminds me that I really do have a pretty cool job most of the time. I get to do a lot and have learned alot since I started with the museum. Poor Pat was getting sick though, I'm glad she stuck it out to chat, its always a pleasure. I feel like everyone around here is getting sick, it must be the weather change. I've managed to hold off symptoms so far and am crossing fingers and knocking on wood that I stay healthy. Eating lots and lots and lots of veggies too!
In book news, I started on a book of tales from European history. Kinda interesting, but not superbly written. Will continue with sporadically. Reading Ann Rice's Pandora. It was on my shelf from one of the book sales. It's turning out to be a nice quick read - what I was looking for. Nothing too Earth shattering about it, but enjoyable and satisfying the need to see a hundred pages be conquered in a day. I read a bunch of it yesterday down by the lake because it was gorgeous out. Looking forward to more warm sunny days. Yay for spring and summer! is your pic of the day
This is Tasha. She belongs to my parents. She is a nut job. Beware!
Keep taking your vitamins so your cubicle-mate doesn't infect you!!
Seems as though all kitties love their paper bag toys :)
Hooray for music addictions! Greetings from CH by the way! :-)
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